Existe una especia de boria (niebla en cartagenero) que parece impedir ver lo que está sucediendo en el Mar Menor durante más de tres décadas. Las causas de la contaminación y destrucción de la laguna salada más grande de Europa son más que conocidas y están más que documentadas. La contaminación minera de los metales tóxicos… Continue reading BORIA


“Bidasƨoa” is a project about immigrants and volunteers in Spain. Like part of my generation, I left the Basque Country at the age of twenty to become an immigrant with an EU passport. After two decades living in a foreign country, I consider my experience as an errancy rather than an immigration. Raymond Depardon defined… Continue reading Bidasƨoa

Santiago Domingo

“Santiago viure sempre al nostre cor” [Santiago always live in our hearts]. This memorial graffiti is located in one of the abandoned houses of the depopulated village of L’estall, in La Ribagorza, in honor of Santiago Pena Capdevila. He was the last inhabitant who left the place in 2003 after having lived alone since 1978.… Continue reading Santiago Domingo